- Are you booking less than 30 days prior to event date? ($150 Non-refundable additional “last minute” fee)
- Is the venue more than 40 miles distance from Washington DC (HOME LOCATION)?
- Is there an elevator accessible by DJ once equipment is taken out of the vehicle at loading area to designated DJ setup area? If not are there more than 5steps? ($50 fee)
- Is the distance from the loading area to designated DJ setup area more than 50yards? ($50 fee)
- Are there 2 separate rooms/locations for cocktail party, ceremony and reception? How far away are the separate areas?
Packages can be upgraded and additions may be added up to 3 days prior to event based on availability. Packages can be downgraded up to 30 Days prior to event. Any reduction or cancellation less than 30 days prior will be billed according to the terms of the contract. Additional performance time may be requested during the event up to 30 minutes prior to the end of the event. Additional time fee must be paid in full prior to the originally scheduled end time. Additional time is at the discretion of the DJ, MC, or Operator. Additional time cannot be allowed if it is in violation of noise ordinances, venue rules or contracts, or if the guests are deemed unfit due to intoxication or misbehavior. All packages include limited liability insurance.
- $300 non-refundable good faith deposit due for all packages. Deposit amount is deducted from total cost.
- $300 non-refundable good faith deposit is due with the signed contract and the remainder of the payment is due at the start of the event or prior to the start of the event. Only money orders, cashier’s checks, are certified checks are acceptable on the performance date.
- Personal checks, money orders, Google Wallet are accepted as deposits
- 10% discount for repeat customers
- 10% discount for weekday events (Monday-Thursday)
- 10% discount for Sunday events (N/A on holiday weekends)
- 10% discount to clients who remit full payment with their signed contract, and who sign their contract at least two (2) months prior to their event